Let’s talk about margin. You know, the white space in your day that you don’t have something filled in already.
Or the space you could fill up to have no extra time, depending on how you look at it. That’s margin.
If I am being honest, this is a struggle for me. Keeping margin in my days and weeks, but it is something I have made a priority in the last year.
Last week was a perfect example of why having margin built in our days can be huge.
I woke up to a text message from a sweet friend that they were headed to the hospital and likely headed to surgery in the immediate future for their 5 year old daughter.
I had some things with the kids in the morning but otherwise our day was mostly free. So I headed to our fave cookie spot, grabbed a loaf of SheShe bread (IYKYK) and headed to the hospital.
My goal wasn’t to see them, but just to love on them. Give a hug if possible, but providing a meal and some small treats was my main plan.
I’m only sharing this because I think we forget (myself included) how important it is to schedule nothing. To leave the white space in our schedule and not fill it.
It can mean having time to say yes to something you feel a nudge or the Spirit leading you to do. It can also just look like rest. Having time to be still or recharge. As I’m planning my fall schedule have whole days built in for nothing or life giving activities.
So my challenge is, find some white space in your days/weeks. Literally schedule “Nothing” if you have to as a reminder. It is usually such a freeing thing to do. It can be an hour or two, this doesn’t have to be a whole day. But even a little time can make a big difference!