IYKYK. If you haven’t been to one of my pasta parties, I am dishing on all of the details in Episode 5 of the Lifestyle and Lenses podcast! As a little bonus, below are the recipes I use at the pasta party. Happy pasta making, friends!!
Add flour, egg, EVOO and salt to food processor. Pulse until mixed; add egg wash until ball forms. Sprinkle flour on cutting board, roll out with rolling pin. Feed through position 1 – 3 times, cut in half after the first run. Fold into 3rd every time it runs through. After position 1, continue running through each position 2-6 once. Lay on towels to dry. When leathery
– run through fettuccini attachment to cut. Once all the pasta is cut put ALL in boiling EVOO and salt water. Boil until soft.
Drain and serve.
1 Tbsp EVOO
1/4 cup Fresh Parsley
1 shallot
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
8 Roma tomatoes
1/2 cup white wine
Saute EVOO and shallot. Add garlic, tomatoes, salt and herbs, let simmer for 3-5 minutes. Add white wine. Let simmer for 15-20 minutes.
1 lb Italian Sausage
1-2 tbsp Olive Oil +
pinch red pepper
1/2 onion, diced
1 carrot, chopped
4 garlic Cloves, minced
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 cup baby belle mushrooms, chopped
1/4 cup wine
1 – 24oz can fire-roasted tmatoes
1 bay leaf
2 sprigs fresh oregano
1/2 cup heavy cream
Brown Italion sausage, set aside. Paur in 1-2 top olive oil, Sauté onions, carrots + garlic, salt and red pepper flakes. Add chopped oregano and garlic with Tomato paste. Cook until carrots are softened.
Add mushrooms + wine. Cook until reduced by half, about 5 mins. Next add tomatoes and cooked Italian sausage. Allow to simmer. Finish with 1/2 cup heavy cream.